123 Powers Ferry RD SE
Marietta Georgia 30067
770.565.7930 (fax)
Family Law
General Information
How Long Will My Divorce Take?
Once the divorce documents are filed with the court, it’s a minimum of 31 days up to 60 days until the Judge signs the divorce decree. Generally, divorces are not that easy. Georgia law is complex. You should not attempt to file your divorce without an experienced and dedicated legal professional on your side.

Venue Requirements
In order to file for divorce in Georgia, you must have lived in Georgia for at least six (6) months, and it does not matter where you were married. You can get a divorce even if your spouse does not live in Georgia or refuses to participate in the process.

Contempt of a Court Order
Not everyone obeys a court’s order; therefore, it may be necessary to file a contempt action against your former spouse. To be held in contempt of court, a party must show that the former spouse was in “willful disobedience of the court’s order.” Only the Judge can decide whether a party is in contempt. The court will often allow the party in contempt to “purge” themselves of the contempt by paying a sum certain and strictly adhering to a repayment schedule going forward. In extreme circumstances, the court can order the party incarcerated for failing to abide by the court’s order.

Sometimes, individuals have a legitimate reason why they cannot obey by a court order, e.g., loss of income, illness, etc. In these situations, the court may hold the individual “not in contempt” but will work out a repayment plan with that individual.

Contact us for help.

It is important to hire an attorney who is versed in the law for assistance in your divorce case. Contact Woodruff Law LLC at 770-565-7924 or by email at rw@woodrufflawga.com.